9th P20 Summit in New Delhi: Where Global Policy and Governance Converge


New Delhi : On the 13 October 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the 9th P20 Summit at the India International Convention and Expo Center (IICC) in Yashobhoomi, Dwarka, New Delhi. This state-of-the-art facility will serve as the epicenter for the discussions and negotiations among some of the world’s most influential legislative leaders.

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla Joins the Inaugural Ceremony

Accompanying the Prime Minister at this momentous occasion will be Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. His presence underscores the significance the Indian government places on international dialogue and cooperation among the legislative bodies of the world’s most powerful nations.


Presiding Officers of G20 and Invited Countries

Apart from the presiding officers of the G20 countries, this summit will see an ensemble of legislative heads from countries invited specifically for this occasion. These are nations whose governance, economy, and societal frameworks have a considerable impact on global geopolitics.

A First-Time Participant: President of the Pan African Parliament

In a groundbreaking move, the President of the Pan African Parliament, His Excellency Dr. Ashebir W. Gayo, will participate for the first time in the P20 Summit hosted in India. His presence is indicative of Africa’s rising importance on the world stage and its increasing involvement in global matters.

High-Profile Arrivals from Across the Globe

Several high-profile legislative leaders have already arrived in India in anticipation of the summit. These include Arthur Cesar Pereira de Lira, President of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil; Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the House of Commons; Ms. Ana Lilia Rivera Rivera, President of the Senate of Mexico; Kim Jin-pyo, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea; Amos Masondo, Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces of South Africa; His Excellency Mr. Sheikh Abdulmalik Abdullah Al Khalili, Chairman of the State Council of Oman; His Excellency Duarte Pacheco, President of IPU.

Early Arrivals from Australia and Bangladesh

Remarkably, some delegates arrived well ahead of the summit’s opening date. Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhary, Speaker of the Parliament of Bangladesh, set foot on Indian soil on October 10, 2023. Furthermore, the President of the Senate of Australia, Honorable Senator Sue Lines, and Speaker of the House of Representatives of Australia Milton Dick, made their way to New Delhi on October 7, 2023.

Summit’s Agenda and Global Expectations

While the exact points of discussion remain closely guarded, expectations are high that the summit will touch on critical global issues such as climate change, economic stability, and international security. The collective wisdom of the presiding officers from the G20 and invited countries is anticipated to lead to groundbreaking resolutions that will have a far-reaching impact.

Closing Thoughts

As the world watches, the 9th P20 Summit promises to be a platform where global leaders can discuss, negotiate, and formulate policies that have the potential to shape the future. The event epitomizes international cooperation and highlights India’s crucial role in global geopolitics. It is not merely a meeting but a milestone, a fulcrum on which the scales of global governance may tip towards sustainable solutions and equitable growth.


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